Most of the prepaid SIM cards sold in Japan are for data only. They do not come with a phone number.


– Note that the usable period of the SIM cards without daily quotas will depend on your usage. If you use a lot, you will finish up quickly.
– Some SIM cards from other brands might be found in convenience stores in the airport.
– Shops are not open 24h.
– The coverage is basically the same for all SIM cards but the signal will be spotty if your device is not compatible with all the networks the SIM card use. It is basically up to your device. The speed could be different depending on the brand.
– If you don’t have much time in the airport, consider ordering and buying one online in advance and picking it up from the post office or have it delivered to your hotel.

As for the data only SIM cards, there are two brands that have vending machines, and others are sold in shops. Here is a list of SIM cards that can be purchased in Narita Airport without advance booking.


CDJapan Rental has a great deal on pocket wifi, with a range of flexible plans starting at ¥187/day.
Japan Pocket Wifi Rental
Japan Travel Prepaid SIM card

SIM cards sold in Narita Airport (Updated:June29, 2016)

ProductVoiceDataUsable PeriodPriceNote
Wi-Ho! Data&Voice Prepaid SIM- Unlimited local calls
(Up to 10min per call)
- International calls worth 300 yen
(US 20 yen/min, China 23.3/min)
- Rechargeable at convenience stores
1GBMax. 15 days5500 yen- Free 3 sessions of Telephone interpretation service
* Call charges by the caller.
- Only Micro and Nano size SIM.
-Must have your passport and credit card to buy.
3GB7500 yen
Wi-Ho! Prepaid SIMNo1.5GBMax. 7 days3500 yenRechargable
3GBMax. 30 days5500 yen
Prepaid LTE SIM by So-netNo1GBMax. 30 days3000 yenData Top Up
1500 yen(excl. tax)/200M
2000 yen(excl. tax)/500M
2838 yen(excl. tax)/1GB
2.2GBMax. 30 days4000 yen
3GBMax. 60 days5000 yen
Japan Travel SIM by IIJNo1GBMax. 30 days2656 yenData Top Up
1500 yen(excl. tax)/500M
3000 yen(excl. tax)/2GB
2GBMax. 3 months4094 yen
Prepaid SIM for JAPAN by NTTNo100MB/day7 days3218 yenMust have your passport and credit card to buy.
14 days3780 yen
U Mobile Prepaid data SIMNo200MB/day7 days1800 yenCash only.
15 days2800 yen
30 days3500 yen


Where to buy in Narita Airport

ProductTerminal 1Terminal 2Terminal 3
Wi-Ho! Data&Voice Prepaid SIMTelecom Square
Wi-Ho! Prepaid SIMTelecom Square
Prepaid LTE SIM by So-netTelecom Square
Vending Machine (From June 28, 2016)
Japan Travel SIM by IIJJAL ABC (1G SIM only)JAL ABC (1G SIM only)
BLUE SKY (South Arrival Lobby, 2G SIM only)
Prepaid SIM for JAPAN by NTTVending MachineN/A
U Mobile Prepaid data SIMVending Machine


Order in advance to save your time

If you don’t want to waste your time looking for a SIM card in the airport, we recommend you make an arrangement online before coming to Japan. Some services including CDJapan Rental will send your ordered items to the post office in the airport or to your hotel for your collection.

As for CDJapan Rental, using their service will offer some advantages that you won’t be able to get from prepaid SIM card sellers.

  1. Easy pick up.
    Go straight to the post office in the airport for collection, or have it delivered to your hotel.
  2. Get some support.
    If you bought a wrong size, get it exchanged. If your device wasn’t compatible, get a refund. If you lost your phone with their SIM card, contact them and they will help you.
  3. Flexible plans.
    There are plans suitable for both short and long stay. Even if your itinerary change, you have an option to extend your rental later.
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CDJapan Rental has a great deal on pocket wifi, with a range of flexible plans starting at ¥187/day.
Japan Pocket Wifi Rental
Japan Travel Prepaid SIM card