It’s worth knowing about a service called kyoku dome (局留め), which means “held at the post office.” Japan Post allows you to use any post office address as a delivery address for your parcels.

You can use this service when you’re moving from place to place or unsure if you’ll be home to receive the mail. For example, if you’re on holiday in Japan, you can use the address of a post office near your accommodation as the delivery address. Your packages or luggage can be sent to the post office, and you can pick them up once they are delivered.

Bring Your ID to Collect Your Mail

Unlike picking up a package at a convenience store, you don’t need to navigate any machines to print a barcode or sign up as a member. Simply bring your ID, such as a passport, to collect the package. The recipient’s name should match exactly with your ID, not a nickname.

Remember, the package will be returned to the sender if not collected within 10 days, so don’t forget to pick it up.

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What is Kyoku Dome? Take a look at the following link:

郵便局留/Kyoku Dome (Japanese Only)

For CDJapan Rental Customers

Most CDJapan Rental customers choose to receive their packages at post offices in airports. However, since airport post offices are not open 24/7, and some are not open on weekends and holidays, not everyone can use this option.

Update March 2021:
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Kansai Airport Branch of Izumisano Post Office at Osaka Kansai International Airport (KIX) has been closed since March 2021. There is no longer a post office at Kansai International Airport that provides the “kyoku dome” service. If you are arriving at Kansai International Airport and want to use the “kyoku dome” service, please choose another post office in Osaka to receive your shipments.

If you’re staying at a hotel, receiving mail there is a good option. Large hotels often handle this as part of their service, but some smaller accommodations don’t. Note that many capsule hotels do not accept mail for their guests. It’s best to check with your accommodation in advance.

Receiving mail at a friend’s house or an Airbnb is also an option, but you need to be prepared. For more details, read this post: How to Receive Mail at an Airbnb Apartment Address.

When our customers are unsure about the delivery address, we always recommend receiving the package at a post office. It is a very safe option.

Using 24/7 Post Offices to Receive Your Mail

Update June 2024:
There is no 24/7 post office in Japan now.The majority of post offices on the list below have extended their weekday hours of operation until 9:00 PM and close at 6:00 PM on weekends. However, you can use these post offices as delivery addresses for receiving your packages.

Most small post offices in Japan close early, typically around 6 PM on weekdays, and remain closed during weekends and holidays.

However, some larger branches, usually near major train stations, have a service counter known as the “Yu-Yu Window” (ゆうゆう窓口 or yu-yu madoguchi). The Yu-Yu Window allows you to purchase stamps, send packages, and retrieve packages you’ve sent to the post office, all at your convenience, as it’s open around the clock.

What is a Yu-Yu Window?

You can check the list of 24-hour post offices in the following post:

24-Hour Post Offices in Japan

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