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If you were to say your trip to Japan was coming in through Narita Airport, no one would bat an eye. The majority of tourists come into Japan through Narita. The enormous airport over a little more than an hour outside the city has become so much more than a hub of transportation. So many inbound tourists rely on the airport for guidance on using public transportation in Tokyo, exchanging money, for their first meal, and of course, as a place where they can purchase WiFi or a prepaid SIM card and get connected (which maybe for some is necessary to getting to that first hotel!).

Upon doing a little research, you’ll find that several WiFi rental companies do offer pickup at the airport. For some this means they have a service counter. This is great if you have any concerns and want to speak directly to staff. However, this comes at a price. The airport counters tend to be far more expensive than other companies providing comparable services.

Thus being the case, for the seasoned or tech-savvy traveler, we recommend choosing one of the more affordable services and having your item delivered to one of the post offices inside Narita Airport. Of course we recommend our affiliated provider, CDJapan Rental. CDJapan Rental has the most reasonable rates, so it’s worth giving the site a look for those looking to book in advance. Check out our article on The Best Pocket WiFi Rental in Japan 2019. In addition to the low price, CDJapan Rental allows you to track your item and guarantees that all packages arrive the night before your rental starts so that you have full rental days at your disposal.

Let’s go back for a moment. Wait, you can get a package sent to the airport post office? Yes. Yes you can.

CDJapan Rental has a great deal on pocket wifi, with a range of flexible plans starting at ¥187/day.
Japan Pocket Wifi Rental
Japan Travel Prepaid SIM card

There is a special service in Japan called kyoku dome, that allows you to have packages sent to the airport and then pick them up using an official ID, such as a passport. So long as the name on the item matches the name on the ID, you’re good to go. And guess what? Apart from the standard cost of sending items, there are NO additional fees associated with having your item held at a post office.

So how does one go about picking up a pocket wifi or SIM rental at Narita Airport?

First of all, it’s important to note that Narita has several terminals and 2 corresponding post offices.

Narita Airport Post Office Locations and Hours

There are two post offices that can be found in Narita Airport. They are in Narita

Terminal 1 and 2, and are open 8:30AM to 8:00PM, 365 days per year.

Terminal 1, 4th Floor

Terminal  2, 3rd Floor International Departure Lobby

Both post offices are both located outside the ticket gate! Therefore you must make sure you have fully gone through immigration after arriving (or not passed through the gates before departing) in order to access the post.

If you plan to make use of the kyoku-dome service, go directly inside to the postal counter. In any given post office, there will be two sections, one for Yucho Ginko, official Japan Bank services, and one for the postal delivery services. This window is known as the Yu-Yu Mado–mado, literally meaning window. (Sometimes this window is open with extended hours for more basic services, including picking up of kyokudome packages.)

In order to pickup a WiFi rental at one of these two terminals, head to the counter. You can receive your package a number of ways. We suggest in addition to bringing the official ID (most likely a passport, and note again, this is REQUIRED) to make note of the tracking number. Rental companies like CDJapan Rental will provide you with the tracking number in your confirmation email. Looking up names, particularly names written alphabetically, is much more of a hassle than simply providing the tracking number. Once your identity has been verified, you’re good to go!

NOTE: The name provided on your official idea must match the name of the recipient of the mailed item EXACTLY. For those with middle names and multiple names, please make sure to include these.

Sounds easy enough right? So for those heading into Narita in the near future, make your pocket wifi booking in advance and save extra by picking up your package at one of Narita’s convenient post offices.

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CDJapan Rental has a great deal on pocket wifi, with a range of flexible plans starting at ¥187/day.
Japan Pocket Wifi Rental
Japan Travel Prepaid SIM card

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