The Japan Policy Investment Bank and the Japan Transportation Agency conducted a survey of 6,139 residents of eight Asian countries and regions, four countries in Europe, the United States and Australia, focusing on their desire to travel abroad and the impact of the new coronavirus on their desire to travel abroad. The results of the survey showed that although the number of foreign visitors to Japan has dropped by nearly 99% in the past two years compared to normal years, Japan is among the top countries for foreigners to travel to, and it has been ranked as the top country that Asian residents would like to visit after the outbreak. Why do foreigners want to travel to Japan? What do they like about Japan? This questionnaire may give us the answer.

*This article is only a selection of items from the questionnaire. The full questionnaire (in Japanese) can be viewed by clicking the link above.

About the Survey

The following is the basic information of this survey.

Survey method: Online questionnaire
Implementation period: December 1, 2020 to December 12, 2020
Survey area: 12 countries and regions including Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and France
(Note) The target population in Mainland China is people living in Beijing and Shanghai (50% in Beijing and 50% in Shanghai)
Target population: people aged 20 to 59 with overseas travel experience
(Note) Travel between China – Hong Kong – Macau, Malaysia – Singapore, Thailand – Malaysia, USA – Canada – Mexico – Hawaii – Guam, Australia – New Zealand, UK – France – European countries is not considered as overseas travel.
Number of valid responses: 6,139 residents of the above-mentioned areas
Investigation Assistance:楽天インサイト株式会社

Top countries/regions to visit after COVID-19

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Among the multiple choices of overseas travel destinations available, Japan was the first choice for both Asian and European, American and Australian residents after the outbreak. Among them, 67% of Asian residents chose Japan, while 36% of European, American and Australian residents chose Japan.

Why choose Japan?

So, why has Japan become a popular tourist destination? There are many reasons for choosing Japan. Both Asian and European, American and Australian residents ranked first in choosing “good food”, and many said that Japan “has places to visit”. Asian residents also preferred Japan for reasons such as “Japan is cleaner” and “I want to go shopping in Japan”, while European, American and Australian residents valued Japan’s security and the trips or activities they could experience.

What would you like to experience in Japan?

The survey also investigated what kind of experience overseas visitors would like to have in Japan.

Among the top five experiences chosen by more people, experiencing Japan’s natural scenery, tasting Japanese food and cherry blossom viewing were the top choices of overseas visitors. Asian tourists also prefer to enjoy hot springs and snow in Japan (especially residents of tropical countries such as Singapore and Malaysia), while residents of Europe, America and Australia prefer to visit Japanese gardens and historical sites or buildings to experience more of Japan’s humanistic scenery.

Information needed to travel to Japan

The following conclusions have been drawn about what elements people are more concerned about when planning a trip with peace of mind.

Asian residents are more concerned about epidemic prevention measures, from the government’s response to the daily life of Japanese people. They are also concerned about where they can go for help if they become ill during their travel to Japan.

In contrast, travelers from Europe, the United States, and Australia are generally less concerned about the government and residents’ daily epidemic precautions, and some travelers are more casual and do not have any special information when planning their trips. However, travelers in Europe, the United States and Australia are more concerned about the number of infections and deaths in their travel destinations.

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